I've always been the active type, never one to sit on the sidelines. Right out of high school, I took that energy and channeled it into serving our country as a Military Policeman in the U.S. Marines. Talk about a crash course in discipline and resilience!
​In my late 20s, I pivoted and became a personal trainer. Why? Because I'm obsessed with empowering people to live their best lives, especially when it comes to health and wellness. Last year I went through a hard reset, while physically in shape my previous traumas and ego caught up with me. This caused me to take a hard look in the mirror and acknowledge that I needed to make working on me a priority. I started consistently doing yoga, breathwork, journaling and meditation and let me tell you it was HARD and life changing.
So much so that I am now a certified yoga teacher and am so excited to share what I've learned with you! Ultimately you have to decide that you want to change/improve and do the work, while I can give you all of the tools needed at the end it is up to you.
Let's do this, Unapologetically Me!